Whole food, plant-based recipes
A “whole food, plant-based” way of eating involves focusing your diet on plant foods i.e. vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, nuts and seeds. Foods are eaten close to their natural state so are either not processed or are minimally processed thereby avoiding highly processed foods. My version of these recipes excludes oil with the rare exception of a “transitional” recipe since there are some diseases where it is likely best to avoid oil and there are pros/cons to each of the multiple oils on the market. I eat a whole food, plant-based vegan diet so my recipes do not include animal products. Regardless of the dietary pattern you choose to follow, adding more plant-based foods and avoiding highly processed foods is a good idea based on the science. Making a change, especially from the standard American diet, is not easy yet is worthwhile and does not require perfection. Small steps towards a healthier way of eating is better than no steps at all. Your taste buds and food preferences will change as your body is exposed to healthier food. I promise that you will find some amazingly delicious recipes here. Always discuss any major dietary changes with your medical provider. You can find a list of various plant-focused dietary patterns towards the bottom of this page and my “Services” page, each with links so you can learn more about them.
Categories (scroll down once selection made)
Examples of Dietary Patterns Which Focus on Plant-Based Foods
Health-Conscious American Omnivorous
Healthy Vegan
Healthy Vegetarian
PCRM (Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine)
Plant-Based Paleo
Vegan Keto
Whole Food, Plant-Based