This recipe was called "Easy French Bread" but it did not taste like the French bread I ate in France years ago so I changed the name. Nevertheless, my house smelled divine and the bread tasted good. I used the bread for making some hefty sandwiches loaded with veggies and tempeh "bacon."

To proof or not to proof...read here: How to Proof Yeast

To hand knead or not to hand knead...read here: Pizza Protips: Kneading, Man vs. Machine

It is better to eat intact (unprocessed) whole grains. If you are going to eat whole grains that have been processed into flour, pasta is a better choice than bread. Here is a brief video with some interesting details: Is Pasta Good Or Bad For Us? What Does The Science Say?

If you look at the Calorie Density chart at the end of the picture section, you will now understand why pasta has a lower calorie density than bread. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid bread.

What I did differently:

-Did not feel the need to proof my yeast so did not add sugar and wait 5 minutes to watch it froth. My yeast was instant and I used a full 1/4 oz package

-Used white whole wheat flour instead of all purpose flour...3 1/2 cups plus extra for dusting

-My warm water was 120 degrees F

-Used my mixer with dough attachments to knead the dough rather than kneading by hand

-Did not use oil to coat the bowl or dough

-Did not have a way to spray water on the sides of the oven so I put a baking tray on the bottom rack of the oven while the oven was heating up and then just before placing the bread in the oven I put water in the baking tray

-My bread was ready after 20 minutes


