This muffin was so fabulous that it deserved the dance I did around my kitchen. If this doesn't prove to you that plants have the power to both taste great and heal, I don't know what will. 100% of the people who tried them thought they were delicious.

You can find the recipe at “Straight Up Food”: Blueberry Muffins.

What is cardamom?

"Cardamom is a spice that comes from the seeds and seed pods of various plants in the Zingiberaceae (ginger) family. There are two main types of cardamom: black cardamom and green cardamom, and there is also white cardamom which is a bleached version of green cardamom. Cardamom has a sweet, pungent flavor and aroma, with elements of lemon and mint. Black cardamom has a smoky note and a cooling menthol one as well. Green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomom) is known as true cardamom. This is the most common variety you will see sold in the spice aisle of the supermarket." Read here for more information.

What is millet?

Millet is a gluten-free ancient grain that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is high in antioxidants, protein, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins. Read here for more information.

What I did:

-Used 24 Deglet Noor dates because my husband buys them in large bags from Costco. Chopped them in a food processor.

-Used my homemade almond/oat milk sweetened with dates and some vanilla

-Purchased the millet at Good Foods co-op from their bulk section (it's very inexpensive, was a little over $1 a pound)

-Purchased ground cardamom, did not grind my own (if you don't have any, just buy a teaspoon at the co-op or other store where sold in bulk section)

-Used fresh blueberries

-Did not add walnuts

-I have a ceramic muffin tray so did not line it with paper liners

-I have a Vitamix and the millet and oats ground into flour in about 15 seconds

-Baked for 28 minutes. Removed from pan and cooled on a cooling rack briefly before devouring.


