My grandson recently started eating solid food and insists on feeding himself, though often misses his mouth and the bib! This was my first attempt at making teething biscuits and they came out great. They have no sugar, simply sweetened with ripe bananas. He seemed to enjoy them and they lasted over a month when stored in a brown paper bag.

The original recipe can be found at “TRTLMT”: Banana Biscotti Rusks

This North Carolina dental practice has a brief blog article about teething biscuits and pediatric dental care.

Teething biscuits should be free of added sugar. If you purchase commercially prepared teething biscuits, read the ingredient list as many have added sugar. Always supervise your child when they consume any solid food to prevent the possibility of choking.

What I did differently and clarifications:

-Did not have self rising flour so used white whole wheat flour ( 2 1/4 cups weighing 315 grams) and added 2 tsp baking powder

-Added 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

-Added 1/8 tsp cinnamon

-Baking temperature of 150 Celsius is about 300 Fahrenheit

-Formed 8 dough logs weighing 72 1/2 grams each and flattened them a bit using the palm of my hand after rolling

-Baked for 15 minutes, removed from oven, and cut in half lengthwise. Placed flat side down on baking tray, baked another 15 minutes, flipped over, baked another 15 minutes. Repeated flipping. Total cooking time was 75 minutes. After removing from oven placed on cooling rack.

-I stored them in a brown paper bag for a week before bring to him and they easily lasted another week after that in the brown bag.


