A friend asked me to make her a healthy lemon bar dessert. She's an awesome loving friend, how could I say no?! It was a bit of a challenge as all of the recipes I found online had unhealthy ingredients like coconut oil, processed flour, or sugar. I am pleased with this recipe as it has a delightful flavor and texture without those sub-optimal ingredients. The bars have just the right balance of sweet and tart but lean towards tart. My husband gave them a "very good" rating.

I was inspired by the recipe at “Neurotic Mommy”: Vegan Organic Lemon Bars. and “Foodal”: vegan, raw, and organic lemon bars.

Are dates good for you? Watch the short video by Dr Greger to find out.


3/4 cup raw almonds

3/4 cup raw walnuts

1/3 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

1/4 tsp salt

3/4 packed cup dates

1 tsp vanilla

Place the nuts and coconut flakes into a food processor and processes several minutes on high speed until forms very small pieces. Add the remaining ingredients and process well. Pour into an 8x8 baking dish and press down to form the crust.


1 cup raw cashews, either soaked overnight in water or soaked 2 hours in hot water. Drain when soaking complete

1/2 cup water

2 TBSP lemon zest

1/3 cup fresh lemon juice

2 TBSP arrowroot powder or cornstarch

1/2 tsp turmeric powder (for color)

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 cup date syrup (make the syrup using this simple recipe at “Simple Vegan “: date syrup.

In a high speed blender, blend the cashews and water until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until well combined. Pour the mixture on top of the crust.

Bake in 350 degree oven for 35 minutes. Cool completely. Refrigerate for at least one hour before cutting.


