My husband loves brown sauce so I threw this stir fry and sauce together after getting home from a busy day at work. It ended up tasting so good that my staff encouraged me to post it. If you are on a low sodium diet, don't make this recipe.

I was inspired by this recipe from “Food.” blog: ALL-PURPOSE STIR-FRY SAUCE (BROWN GARLIC SAUCE)

Watch this video by Dr. Greger about cooking rice to remove arsenic.

What I did differently:

-Instead of regular soy sauce I used 1/4 cup +1/3 cup reduced sodium tamari plus 1/3 cup coconut aminos in order to lower the sodium though still a lot of sodium. (The reason for the extra 1/4 cup tamari is because when I tasted it at the end I thought it would be too spicy for my husband so I wanted to dilute it. You do not have to add the extra 1/4 c if you don't need to.) To lower the sodium further, could try using all coconut aminos which is what I will try next time.

-Used vegetable broth instead of chicken broth

-Rice wine is sake

-Instead of sugar used 3 whole dates

-Used 1 tsp of sesame chili oil instead of a TBSP of regular sesame oil (Dr. McDougall allows a small amount of sesame oil since it has a distinctive flavor that cannot be matched. If you are following Dr. Esselstyn's program for reversing heart disease, he does not allow any oil so just skip it.)

-Did not add cooking oil

-Used 3 whole cloves of garlic; did not mince

-Used a whole piece of ginger root the size of the end of my thumb where my thumb nail is; did not mince

I placed all of the above ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth. Poured into a sauce pan. Brought to a light boil. Added the corn starch solution as directed.

My stir fry had onion, eggplant, broccoli topped with unhulled sesame seeds and slices of scallion. I served it over white rice because my husband does not like brown rice.


