You are not going to believe how delicious these crumbles are until you try them for yourself. I was surprised by how spot-on the flavor was to actual sausage, minus the unhealthy animal fat! I threw the crumbles into my salad. My daughter made a vegan vegetable and "sausage" pizza for her husband who just finished running a marathon and was a bit hungry!

You can find the recipe at “Veggi Fun Kitcken”: Sausage Tofu Crumbles.

For those of you unfamiliar with tofu, a recipe like this is a good way to get introduced to it. It is made from soy milk which is made from soybeans. You can buy it at most regular grocery stores. To press it, I place it in a kitchen towel then put my cast iron pan on top for about 20 minutes.

For those of you unfamiliar with nutritional yeast, it is not the same as yeast used for making breads or beer. You can buy small amounts in the bulk section of stores such as Good Foods Co-op. Some regular grocery stores sell it but then you usually have to buy a whole container. Nutritional yeast adds a cheesy flavor to foods.

For those unfamiliar with tahini, you can buy it at regular grocery stores. It is just ground sesame seeds. I usually get mine at Trader Joe's.

Have you ever wondered why we love some animals and eat others? If you want to know, here is Dr. Melanie Joy's 19 minute TED talk on the matter (Warning- contains disturbing material and pictures): Beyond Carnism and toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices.

What I did differently:

-Instead of coconut sugar I used 1 tsp maple syrup

-Baked 20 minutes, tossed, baked another 20 minutes, tossed, baked another 10 minutes


