I love this recipe and make it regularly. The recipe is very flexible and I make it quickly in my Instant Pot instead of on the stove. Not only is it delicious but I cherish so many fond memories of my dear friend Laura who recently visited. I made the beans, she made the greens. This time she made huauzontle, a vegetable I had never heard of before. It was all so amazing!

You can find the recipe at “Feasting At Home” blog: Pinto Beans

We purchased organic dried pintos at Good Foods Co-op and the huauzontle at the Mexican grocery store, also on Southland Drive in Lexington, named Supermarket Aguascalientes.

Is it a Chile, Chili, or Chilli Pepper? Read the article to find out.

What I did differently for the beans:

-Did not add salt since so much salt in the vegetable broth

-Did not add olive oil

-Used 1 cup diced onion. Once I forgot the onion and it was still delicious

-My garlic cloves were large

-Did not add a cinnamon stick

-Once used a dried chile pepper but thereafter used 1/2-1 fresh jalapeno, seeds removed, finely chopped

-Did not add chili powder

-Sometimes I add 1-2 bay leaves but sometimes I don’t (not sure I can tell a difference in the final flavor)

-Used 1 quart prepared reduced sodium vegetable broth. (Since then I have lowered it to 3 cups. Sometimes I use part reduced sodium broth and part prepared broth made with vegan ham flavored seasoning mix.)

-Did not add tomato paste

-Did not add vinegar

-Did not add adobo sauce

Placed everything in the Instant Pot. Cooked on high for 28 minutes. Sometimes when done cooking I mash them a bit using a potato masher but more often I don’t.


