This soup is incroyable (incredible)!! It takes a bit of time to caramelize the onions but consider it your arm workout for the day. I served it with chunks of crusty sourdough bread from Bluegrass Bakery. I also topped it with homemade vegan mozzarella cheese but it didn't really add anything to the dish so when I served it to my family I left the cheese off.

You can find the recipe at “Simply Recipes”: French Onion Soup.

Included in the original recipe is a nice tutorial on how to slice onions.

Onions make the list of top prebiotic foods. Prebiotic foods have special fibers that your good gut bacteria love to feed off of. When these good gut bacteria are well fed, they help to keep you healthier.

Here is a 6 minute video explaining the difference between probiotics and prebiotics.

What I did differently:

-Used a variety of onions but mostly red

-Did not use oil or butter. I cooked the onions in a dry pan on medium high, stirring nearly constantly, adding a splash of water whenever they wanted to stick. It took about 40-45 minutes for them to caramelize. I did not add sugar or salt during this process.

-I used 4 cups of Trader Joe vegetable stock and 4 cups of prepared vegan beef flavored broth instead of actual beef stock. (I used the combination because the vegan beef broth had twice as much sodium.)

-At the end I ended up adding more freshly ground black pepper and 1/4th tsp salt.


