I have dreams of hurting my husband! He keeps buying bananas then does not eat them which leaves me searching for ways to use them! My neighbors all loved these. My husband said they seemed more like chocolate banana bread, not really like brownies, but he still thought they were delicious.

You can find the original recipe at “My Quiet Kitchen” blog: Healthy Vegan Banana Brownies

I read lately that people are less inclined to try a recipe labeled as "Healthy" so I changed the name of this recipe from its original name of "Healthy Vegan Banana Brownies (Oil-Free)." On the other hand, when buying processed foods and drinks, people often choose "healthy" options that are not healthy at all. If you want to start learning how to read labels in order to avoid unhealthy ingredients, start with the following simple 2 steps:

#1 Look at the ingredient list first. If you don't recognize many of the names, likely it is a chemical concoction that is not good for you.

#2 Know that 4 grams of added sugar equals 1 teaspoon.

Now, let's go back to this recipe. It was labeled as "Healthy" but healthy compared to what? Well it certainly beats typical brownies, especially those packaged at the store. It still has added sugar (maple syrup and coconut/brown sugar) so I consider this recipe a "transitional recipe" when trying to make steps towards a healthier diet OR it can be a treat for a special occasion.

What I did differently and clarifications:

-To make parchment paper easier to mold to a pan, crinkle it up a few times

-I use a kitchen scale which is so much easier and more accurate than using measuring cups

-My cacao powder weighed 40 grams

-Reduced salt to 1/4 tsp

-My mashed banana weighed 232 grams, maple syrup 85 grams, and raw almond butter 86 grams

-Used 1 TBSP coconut sugar and 3 TBSP brown sugar since what I had on hand

-Did not add walnuts since my husband does not like them in brownies (another strike against my husband LOL)

-Baked for 33 minutes


